Eliminates the mold you have and help prevent it from returning up to one year. Prevents any mold from growing on any surface for up to one year.

Simple, Safe, & Easy To Apply


Keep Your Operations Mold Free

Simple, Safe, & Easy To Apply



Eliminates the mold you have and helps prevent it from returning for up to one year. Prevents any mold from growing on any surface for up to one year.

MoldGuardian™ Resolves
Both Of These Issues

Visible Mold

Spray, wipe or mop MoldGuardian™ onto the visible mold and the areas around the visible mold. There may be mold growing next to the visible mold, but you might not be able to see it yet.

Let MoldGuardian™ stay wet on the surface for at least 10 minutes. Then, with a light scrub brush, scrub the visible mold and the surrounding area to loosen the mold. Rinse with water to remove any visible mold. Allow the excess water to run off and then reapply MoldGuardian™ and let it completely dry. You can also do this by using a wet rag to remove the now loosened visible mold.

Mold Stains- Visible mold can often leave black or other colored mold stains.When mold grows, it excretes a very powerful acid which can stain. MoldGuardian™ has surfactants in it which will loosen and hopefully remove the mold stain. It it does not remove the mold stain at first after you scrub the surface and rinse or wipe with a wet rag, reapply MoldGuardian™ and then wait an additional 10 minutes and rinse or wipe. If the stain remains, you will have to let the surface dry and then repaint. MoldGuardian™ will continue to protect the surface under the new paint. However, if you use an organic paint we recommend a light spray of MoldGuardian™ on top of the dried organic paint.

Unseen Mold

If you fog a house or spray MoldGuardian™ into an air duct or behind wallboard, the proprietary feature of MoldGuardian™ will cover the mold, dry and create a mold barrier that will not allow any mold to get into the covered area or out of the covered area. It will not allow nutrients into the covered area for the mold to feed on. Mold spores will not be able to escape the covered area.

Helps stop mold from returning for up to one year!

MoldGuardian™ is a
Proven Solution

MoldGuardian™ Used By Major Pharmaceutical Companies

MoldGuardian™ was designed to prevent the problem with mold spores and propagules and to prevent mold growth on any surface for up to one year. Read the scientific proof regarding MoldGuardian’s independent laboratory test proving MoldGuardian™ prevents mold:

Mold Protection Mold Prevention

MoldGuardian™ is made of all natural ingredients, is safe, easy to apply, affordable, and prevents mold for one year. It’s not just mold spores you have to worry about. It is the mold fragments! Yes, small pieces of living mold parts flying through the air smaller than 3 microns. Millions of them. Nobody has told you about the fragments, aka propagules.  MoldGuardian™ also prevents propagules from growing.